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Manufacturer and Supplier of qualitative range of Water Treatment Plant, Effluent Treatment Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant, Air Pollution Control System, Noise Pollution Control Equipment and Waste Water Treatment Equipment

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Md. Usman :- 9811459633

A man of high principles, able administrator, great leader, strong business acumen, widely traveled and a socialite is what describes him. His determination and believing are that all problems have solutions if an approached analytically. A Sharp thinker and a person of noble character, he generates a tremendous flow of positive energy.He always focuses upon the welfare of his sector growth in line with the National economy and protecting its interests. His Industry complimentary to "Nations growth" and both have to work hand in hand is his clear thought.He otherwise has been a tough task- master, gifted with masterly act of blending firmness with politeness and getting job accomplished satisfactorily by the team of workers working directly under him.He is the backbone of operational management and the guilding force in relocation divisions. He is a gem embedded with qualities to maintain customer- relationship. He is always open to the staff for their opinions & suggestions and encourages them to come up with new ideas. To him no problem is insurmountable as he has the delicacy and plans ready to unwind the problems much before it reaches a state of emergency.

136, Nehru Market, Badarpur, New Delhi - 110044, India. Mobile: 9811459633, Pin:- 110044 Email:-